AKC Cavaliers
We currently have 1 beautiful litter of 6 pups! Contact us for more details on him if you are interested!
Mom: Evie
Evie is an 18lbs Blenehim Cavalier . She is a loving, sweet girl! She has been DNA tested for the diseases in her breed and she has OFA certifications.
Dad: Fenimore
Fenimore is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier . He is a sweet, active boy! He has been DNA tested for the diseases in his breed and he has OFA certifications.
Ross DOB: 11-03-24
Parents: Evie & Fenimore
An AKC Cavalier Boy Ready to go after 12-29-24!
He had a scissor bite at his 5 week vet check. Mom is an 18lbs Blenheim Cavalier and Dad is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier.
Parents are DNA tested for diseases in their breed and have OFA certifications.
Chandler DOB: 11-03-24
Parents: Evie & Fenimore
An AKC Cavalier Boy Ready to go after 12-29-24!
He vet checked perfectly at his 5 week vet check. Mom is an 18lbs Blenheim Cavalier and Dad is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier.
Parents are DNA tested for diseases in their breed and have OFA certifications.
Joey DOB: 11-03-24
Parents: Evie & Fenimore
An AKC Cavalier Boy Ready to go after 12-29-24!
He had an under bite and 2 high but palpable testicles at his 5 week vet check. Mom is an 18lbs Blenheim Cavalier and Dad is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier.
Parents are DNA tested for diseases in their breed and have OFA certifications.
Monica DOB: 11-03-24
Parents: Evie & Fenimore
An AKC Cavalier Girl Ready to go after 12-29-24!
She had an under bite and a slightly inverted vulva, at her 5 week vet check. Mom is an 18lbs Blenheim Cavalier and Dad is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier.
Parents are DNA tested for diseases in their breed and have OFA certifications.
Rachel DOB: 11-03-24
Parents: Evie & Fenimore
An AKC Cavalier Girl Ready to go after 12-29-24!
She had a scissor bite at her 5 week vet check. Mom is an 18lbs Blenheim Cavalier and Dad is a 15.6lbs Tri Cavalier.
Parents are DNA tested for diseases in their breed and have OFA certifications.